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Enchanting North Hllls 3 bedroom home, ready for you to move in and enjoy.

Currently in Knox County, Tennessee there are 3.461 single family homes listed for sale along with 987 condos. Year to date in 2010 360 of those single family homes have been placed in “Sale Pending” status which means sold but not yet closed; and 55 condos. Most listings that make it to sale pending status end up closing although not all, due to home inspection issues, buyer financing, and other reasons.

The chart below is the sold listings year to date versus actives as of February 15th, 2010.

homes listed for sale in knoxville tennessee

It appears, based on these figures, that single family homes are selling close to 10% of listings while condos are around 5%.

The first monthly figures are available now from the Knoxville Area Association of Realtors so we can see how this just past January stacks up to sales in previous Januarys.

knoxville tennessee listings for sale provided by jim lee knoxville tn realtor

January 2010 compared to past Januarys

January 2010 closed sales beat January 2009 by 90 units but even that number is still way below previous January’s. It appears from these numbers that our volume is back to where it was in Januarys 2001 & 2002.

According to some figures from the average listing price is down somewhat which means there are more lower priced homes coming on the market now than upper price range ones

Knoxville average property price

So far this year we’ve seen a very modest improvement in sales numbers but still quite a bit below previous years. Prices remain weak too with discounts being the order of the day in homes that sell and close.

Average days on market (time to sell) was 118 days in January 2010 compared to 110 in January 2009 and 105 for January 2008.

So that’s where Knoxville real estate is currently, subscribe to my blog to receive the latest updates and Knoxville area real estate news.

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